- President & VP - salvation, wisdom
- Senators, Representatives
- Supreme Court
- Governor Bill Lee (TN)
- Mayor Shane McFarland (Murfreesboro)
- Mayor Joe Carr (Rutherford county)
- Commissioner Romel McMurry (District 19)
- City counsel
- Wars in Israel, Ukraine
- Hodges - Honduras (need good mechanics for their buses and favor for Abbi’s residency paperwork)
- Prices - Ft. Lauderdale, FL (need full-time pastor for Miami Beach church)
- West Branch - Williams, AZ
- Dr. Bill Rice
- Wil Rice
- Chris Miller
- Matt Downs
- Bible Club
- BRR summer staff needed
- Revival with Brent Gellos
- Chris Miller - selling trailer
- Shelley (Goodale's friend) - spiritual strength
- Church building project - topographical work being done by Huddleston, continued prayer for funds
- Weston and Kaity - wedding on March 8, praying for no rain!
Parents with Young Children
- Jesse & Amanda Black
- Cody & McKenzie Long
- Wilson & Sarah Rice
- Tyler & Rebekah Thornton
Expecting Mothers
- Stephanie Collins
- BRCA students
- Cody Long's dad, Jay
- McKenzie Long's father and brother, Troy and Conner
- Esther Green's uncle, Warren Rundy
- Patty Canter's son David
- Tyler Thornton's dad
- Tim (Joe Siekbert’s coworker)
- Joe, Sean Green’s friend
- Zoelle - unsaved K5 student at BRCA
- Scottie Russell - continued recovery from accident, relearning mobility and speech
- Jeff Alverson - cancer
- Bobby Cook - early dementia
- Kathy (Blacks' neighbor) - cancer
- Mrs. Monk (Sarah Rice's grandmother) - dementia
- Norman (John Goodale's friend) - prostate cancer
- Brent and Kent Porter - health
- Mrs. Sumler (Sarah Rice's mom) - CT scan soon to check cancer tumors
- Jim (Stephanie’s uncle) - has head and neck cancer, end of treatments soon, will have severe side affects
- Kelly Jackson (Matt Downs’ aunt) - had successful surgery to remove cancer, will still have to do chemo
- Julia Black (Jesse Black’s sister) - cancer
- Jim Fraley (Sabrina Porter’s father) - esophagus surgery
- Wally Wendel - had cancer reimagining, cancer is 70% gone
- Adam Stump - starting preceptorship in March
- Josiah and Becky Browning - sick